NovaScape Official Forum
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Post by Owner FP Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:24 pm


1. No spamming or flooding the chat with messages. Do not type in ALL CAPS.
2. No bashing or heated arguments to other people in the chat.
3. No racist or degrading content (racial terms are not allowed).
4. No referral links.
5. No advertising or Discord advertising of any kind without permission. DMs included.
6. No offensive names.
7. Inviting unofficial bots is NOT ALLOWED without administrative approval, any bots that are found will be INSTANTLY BANNED without warning.
8. Do not use the @everyone / @here ping without permission.
9. Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, and other exploits.
10. Do not cause a nuisance in the community, repeated complaints from several members will lead to administrative action.
11. Do not argue with staff. Decisions are final.
12. English is our main language, use only English in the discord please.


In-game Rules

1. Flaming, Disrespect, Harassment and Inappropriate Content
Within NovaScape, we seat a culturally diverse community. Communities contain different races, beliefs, ethics, sexual orientations, etc. It is vital that we preserve and protect each culture and that we ensure equality throughout NovaScape as a whole. The denigration or defamation of a member will not be tolerated. First offenders will receive a 3 day mute, 2nd offense 1 week, 3rd offense permanently IP muted.

2. Advertising
Advertisement of another RSPS related community is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in an immediate removal from the community with no chance of appeal.

• a. Widespread, ordinary links (eg. YouTube, RuneLocus, Rune-Server, TopG) are acceptable and will oftentimes be permitted, granted one does not take advantage of this exception.

• b. Discussing other active servers in-game and/or on the forums is strictly forbidden. You may discuss any RSPS that is not online. Members who wish to advertise a link that is not related to RSPS or was not one of the common links aforementioned may send a link to an administrator and await a response containing approval before publicizing their desired link.

• c. Direct advertisement will not be tolerated on NovaScape. (eg. "Come fight me on NoobsRSPS, they have a better combat system!"). First offenders will receive a 3 day mute, followed by a 1 week mute, followed by permanent IP mute.

3. Spamming
Spamming on NovaScape is not allowed, as it causes disarray throughout the server.  Failure to comply with this rule will result in a 3 day mute, followed by a 1 week mute, and finally, a permanent mute. If excessive enough, the wrongdoer can be given an IP-Mute, and, finally, a permanent ban will be put into effect if deemed necessary. If the content of the spam contains terribly inappropriate, derogatory, or offensive text, the wrongdoer will receive the latter.
• a. If a member acquires a donor status that has a fairly short yell cooldown timer, that does not give them the right to abuse it under any circumstances.

• b. An auto-typer is allowed via public chat to buy or sell items. However, one must have at least 15-second intervals between each message with or without an auto-typer.

• c. Excessive begging for personal gain will not be tolerated on NovaScape.

4. Misleading Links, Hacking, and Threats
Misleading links are taken extremely seriously. We expect all links to follow the guidelines (see rule 2) and open up to whatever the link was rightfully advertising.
Failure to comply with this rule will result in permanent removal from the community.
Any form of hacking will result in permanent removal from the community.
Threats that will put a member’s livelihood, security, personal information, and reputation at risk will result in permanent removal from the community.
• a. Threatening to DDoS a member of the community will not be tolerated, whether you are joking or not. Players found doing this will be punished. First offenders will receive a 72-hour mute, followed by a 1-week IP-mute, and ultimately the player will be MAC/IP banned on their 3rd offense. Aside from the threats, players found to be actually DDoSing another member of the NovaScape community will receive a complete removal from the community immediately, which means you'll be MAC/IP banned and all accounts will be permanently banned with no chance of appeal.

- Here on NovaScape, we offer many methods of security by insisting our players use unique passwords and constantly reminding players to enable 2FA. This being said, our Staff Team works hard to keep our players' accounts secure, but it is ultimately up to the player to ensure that security with the tools we have available. Hacked accounts that do not have 2FA enabled are NOT ELIGIBLE for a refund.

• b. Threats against NovaScape as a whole will not be tolerated. When you threaten NovaScape you are also threatening every single member of our community, and thus will be held responsible for threats against each and every player. Those who threaten to DDoS NovaScape will receive a permanent removal from the community with no chance of appeal.

5. Punishment Evasion
Punishments that are assigned to members are given to further better NovaScape as a community and maintain a stable, fair, and efficient environment. With that being said, those who evade will not be dealt with lightly; if a member feels as if they were wrongly punished, they can go about it the right way by appealing and constructively stating their case. If one evades, it will result in a ban or an IP-Ban, depending on the magnitude of the situation.

6. Real World Trading
The act of purchasing/selling goods or services of any kind from NovaScape or trading for other items outside of NovaScape with ig currency/items will not be tolerated. This rule further effaces hacks, scams, etc. We will not be held responsible for a scam or hacking. Failure to comply will result in the seller being permanently banned, followed with an IP-ban the second time around. As for the buyer, a 72-hour ban with a complete bank wipe will be arranged, granted it was the first offense. The second offense will result in a 7-day ban with a complete bank wipe, and, lastly, a permanent ban.

Disclaimer: The attempt or conspiracy to real-world trade will be punished the same as if the user had committed the act(s) in question.

7. Third-Party Software
Applying the use of third-party software that allows a member to have an (any) unfair advantage whatsoever will result in a 24-hour, followed by a 48-hour ban, with an ending result of a permanent ban. We strive to maintain an honorable environment where fairness flourishes and hard-earned achievements are commended. This includes auto-clickers, auto-typers, AHK.
• a. The use of botting clients/scripts are forbidden and will result in an IP-ban as well as permanent bans on all owned accounts.

8. Encouraging Others to Break Rules
Members that are somehow encouraging others to break a rule whether or not the enticed member understands that specific rule will receive a 24-48 hour mute or 24-hour ban, depending on the extremity or severity of the rule.

9. Bug Abuse
Abuse of a bug or glitch that allows a member to somehow have an advantage over another member or the server itself is not tolerated. We strive to better NovaScape each and every day. In doing so, we ask all members to report any bugs or glitches as soon as they are found; if tampered with after, a permanent ban will be issued.
• a. Boss manipulation (safe spotting) is the flagrant act of maneuvering a boss into a position where it cannot properly perform its functions and/or mechanics. The usage of safe spot methods not available on Oldschool Runescape will not be tolerated on NovaScape. Wrongdoers will serve one hour in jail, followed by 5 hours in jail, with the ending result being a permanent ban.

10. Gambling/Scams/Refunds (Disconnects, Donations, etc.)

• a. Scammers will be punished severely with a permanent ban on their first offense, followed up by an IP-ban on their second offense. Scammed members will not be refunded because we provide effective methods to avoid being scammed, such as using a middleman (server support, moderator, administrator, etc.). Please note that we do not accept photo-reports of members being scammed. One must provide video evidence, or it will not be handled.

• b. Disconnections will not be refunded.

• c. Donations will only be refunded if the player has not been given their items or position (forums, server) after 72 hours; otherwise, a refund is not required. Items that have been claimed through our donation system will not be refunded.

• d. Reset of the server and/or forums will be refunded if the player has posted valid proof of their purchase in 'Donations' board; otherwise, a refund is not required.

- Gamble scams will be refunded if the user has proper proof as stated above.

• e. Glitch refunds will only be refunded if the member has enough proof and has proof of containing the items prior to the occurrence of the glitch. Note that if Omicron does not see the proof as satisfactory, it can be declined and a refund will not be issued.

11. Player versus Player (PvP)
NovaScape is not held responsible for members who have lost, disconnected, etc., while in the wilderness. The wilderness, or 'No man's land', if you will, for the most part, has no restrictions; hence why it can be referred to as 'No man's land'. However, we do have a few rules:
• a. PvP-Farming will be an automatic permanent ban with no chance of appeal on all accounts involved, followed up by an IP-ban.

• b. Luring is allowed for the most part. The few exceptions to this rule are members cannot attempt to lure via world yell or servers clan chats such as NovaScape and Help. Attempting to lure staff by asking for help whilst in the wilderness or anything else that involves blatant deception will result in a ban. The first offense will result in a 24-hour ban followed up by a 72-hour ban with the ending result being a 7-day ban + bank wipe.

• c. Attacking another player while you only have 1 item or essentially no valuable risk with the intent to negatively affect another player's experience in the wilderness is against the rules and will not be tolerated.

• d. X-Logging from the server will result in a 24-hour ban, then a 48-hour ban, and finally, a permanent ban, as doing this causes an unfair advantage for other members of the community.

12. World Yell
Members may use world yell to advertise clan chats & group activities. This should be done at a minimum interval of every 5 minutes for the same clan. First offenders will receive a warning, followed by 24-hour yell mute, with the ending result being a 48-hour mute.

• a. Closed Clan Chats must provide a [;;topic xxxxxx] for their sign-up page to ensure people understand how to join the clan chat & which requirements there are.

• b. Flaming, flame-baiting, false-advertisement and trolling via world yell will not be tolerated. The act of doing so will be punishable by a 12-hour yell mute, followed by a 24-hour yell mute, 48-hour yell mute, 7-day yell mute, 14-day yell mute and finally, a permanent yell-mute. Further punishment may result subject to Rule 1, at the staff team's discretion.

• c. Luring members over the world yell is prohibited and can result in the revoking of the wrongdoer's access to world yell temporarily or indefinitely, depending on the severity of the text.

• d. Advertising videos or content related to NovaScape is allowed with a yell timer of 5 minutes+, if this is below 5 minutes you will be warned at first, the second time it will result in a 24-hour yell-mute followed by a 48-hour yell-mute with the ending result being a 7-day yell-mute.

• e. AFK yelling is only allowed when it is 10+ minutes each yell, if this is below 10 minutes you'll be kicked at first with a warning upon logging in. The second offense will result in a 24-hour yell-mute with the ending result being a permanent yell-mute.

• g. NovaScape is primarily based out of the United States. This being said, the only language that should be used on the World Yell or in the NovaScape CCs is English.

13. Clan Chats

• a. Members must not attempt to buy or sell items in the Help clan chat.

• b. Members may not converse about any extraneous topics while in the Help clan chat.

• c. Members are not permitted to advertise personal clan chats or threads while in other clan chats.

• d. Members cannot attempt to lure via world yell or the NovaScape and Help clan chats.

• e. Anything that can be seen as an intentional disturbance inside clan chats is a bannable offense.

14. Invading Other Communities
Invading other communities will result in the permanent removal from the entirety of NovaScape with no chance of appeal. Here on NovaScape, we are firm advocates of displaying perpetual, irrefutable integrity. We have the utmost respect for each and every RSPS community and only wish them well.

15. Impersonation
• a. Impersonating an NovaScape staff member is strictly prohibited.
• b. Impersonating anyone for entertainment or fraud is strictly prohibited.
• c. Impersonating any of the server accounts is strictly prohibited. (NovaScape/Help)
• d. Impersonating a ranked member of the Gamble CC is strictly prohibited.
Players that fail to comply with this rule will be permanently banned. Based on the severity of the incident, repeat offenders will be IP/MAC banned.
Staff discretion will be used.

Forum Rules

1. Inappropriate Language
Within NovaScape, we seat a culturally diverse community. Communities contain different races, beliefs, ethics, sexual orientations, etc. It is vital that we preserve and protect each culture and that we ensure equality throughout NovaScape as a whole. The denigration of a member will not be tolerated.
• a. Topics, posts, inbox messages, etc., that are conducted at a single member, or group, to either defame them of their reputation will result in infractions or a ban from the forums.

2. Inappropriate Content
Pornographic material, including discussion and media, is not allowed on the forums. This includes material such as half-naked women, men, and media of such inappropriate acts. This also includes text-based material in our threads, posts, avatars, profile page. Failure to comply will result in a permanent removal from the entire community.
Inappropriate content that provides and/or promotes media of drug use, foul behavior, or other forms of content that are deemed inappropriate will be removed and punishment will be in order, depending on the severity of the content publicized.

3. Advertising
Advertisement of another RSPS related community is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in an immediate removal from the community with no chance of appeal.
• a. Widespread, ordinary links (eg. YouTube, RuneLocus, Rune-Server, TopG) are acceptable and will oftentimes be permitted, granted one does not take advantage of this exception.

• b. Discussing other active servers in-game and/or on the forums is strictly forbidden. Members who wish to advertise a link that is not related to RSPS or was not one of the common links aforementioned may send a link to an administrator and await a response containing approval before publicizing their desired link.

4. Spamming
• a. Posts that consist of one word (e.g. posting "support" on a suggestion thread) are considered spam and will be deleted off of the thread along with the wrongdoer receiving a warning or an infraction. This rule does not apply to the Spam section or the Red Carpet section.

• b. Posting in the correct section and board is required at all times. Failure to do so results in an infraction.

• c. Gravedigging is the act of posting on an inactive thread (the last post being 31 days or older). Unless a member is posting relevant, useful information regarding the topic at hand, then it is considered spam and an infraction will be in order along with the removal of the post. Members are permitted to comment on older threads only in the suggestions section if given a detailed response otherwise they will be punished accordingly.

• d. Trolling is not permitted on the forums. This applies to any portion of NovaScape.

• e. Posting in the marketplace section without the intent to buy or sell something is prohibited.

5. Misleading Links, Hacking, and Threats
Misleading links are taken extremely seriously. We expect all links to follow the guidelines (see rule 3) and open up to whatever the link was rightfully advertising.
Failure to comply with this rule will result in the permanent removal from the community.
Any form of hacking will result in the permanent removal from the community.
Threats that will put a member’s livelihood, security, personal information, and reputation at risk will result in the permanent removal from the community.

6. Backseat Moderation
Backseat moderation is not tolerated because it causes an unneeded uproar throughout members and oftentimes, a large portion of the community. Staff members have been assigned their role(s) for a reason. Those who have any need whatsoever, we strongly encourage you to report it to a staff member so it can be dealt with in an efficient manner.

7. Encouraging Others to Break Rules
Members that are somehow encouraging others to break a rule whether or not the enticed member understands that specific rule will receive a mute or ban, depending on the extremity or severity of the rule.

8. Influencing Polls
Asking people to vote for a certain option on a poll is strictly prohibited; this will result in the nullification of your vote on that poll, as well as receiving an infraction.

9. Reputation Boosting
Reputation advancement is intended for content that is found useful and/or helpful towards another member. If a member asks another member to do something that involves reputation by bribing, threatening, asking, etc., then that is classified as reputation boosting. If caught, the wrongdoer's like-count and reputation rating will be reset. If done a second time, it will result in a permanent ban.

10. Providing Fake Evidence
The attempt to use fake evidence is prohibited on NovaScape; This will result in a permanent ban from the community, both on the forums and in-game. This includes evidence submitted in a report, an appeal, or to defame a user in any section of the forums.

Terms of Service Agreement

By being on the forums and server, you understand that you are responsible for your own actions. You understand that the rules stated above will be enforced at all times, and the administration reserves the right to alter any of the statements above as they see fit. We have the authority to do what we want with your account, as it is our property and you are merely playing on it. You understand that when a rule is broken, your account will be dealt with accordingly and as fairly as possible.
You hereby agree that by registering on these forums, you know that your contract with NovaScape also correlates to the server and any service that is owned by us. You understand that because NovaScape is associated with US and Netherlands that both the Electronic Signatures in Global and International Commerce Act (ESGICA) and Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council laws are in effect within this community and failure to follow these rules will result in a permanent removal from the community.
Updated rules as of 1-12-2020
---The only people who are allowed to be Middle-Manning or Hosting (this includes FPing) are Staff Members or those appointed to do so.

Last edited by Owner FP on Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:43 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed/changed/added rules)
Owner FP
Owner FP

Posts : 29
Join date : 2019-10-17
Location : Developing NovaScape

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